Thursday, June 30, 2011

Must Have Games Final Week: Angry Birds

Angry Birds has finally come to Windows 7, but was it worth the wait?
It is hard to say. I mean on the one hand, Angry Birds has the very same gameplay that we all know and love from playing it on literally every other device ages ago. Did they add anything new? Just achievements and a heftier price tag. For a game that is available, and has been for a very long time, on other formats for $1 or less, it would seem odd to charge the last platform to receive it the most. Maybe I am confused, but that seems like paying more money today for the same blu-ray play that was out 2-years ago. I know from the many a forum post, that most people don't feel it is justified to pay 3-times as much for port of a game that has been around since 2009. I for one could not agree more.
I don't feel the need to go into lengthy details about the gameplay, graphics or sound. As I said before, literally nothing has been changed. We all know Angry Birds inside and out, and there is simply nothing new. That being said, it is still loads of fun, and perfecting the trial stages alone will sap enough of your time. If you need more level variety, might I suggest Chicks'n'Vixens or the equally free Pandas vs Ninjas. I agree with Microsoft that this is a must have title for WP7, but I don't feel it is a must have at this price. Rehashed title, at thrice the price. For me, it is trial mode until it goes up for DotW. Sure that may be a while, but I've waited this long right?

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